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Αρχείο:Denton County Courts Building.jpg

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John Bunyan Denton, a Methodist preacher, entered Texas for the first time in 1836. To support his family he also became a lawyer and practiced law in Clarksville and like other men at the time he joined the military when he was needed. On May 22, 1841 he accompanied Col. Edward H. Tarrant and other men in his company at the battle of Village Creek, a fight between the settlers and Indians near present day Fort Worth. He was killed early on in the fight while raising his rifle to fire. His body was buried and moved once before being moved a final time to the corner of the courthouse square in 1901.

Denton County was formed in 1846 but the town of Denton was not created until 1857 when residents required a county seat more centrally located. Today Denton is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States.

The 1896 courthouse still stands, known as the Denton County Courthouse-on-the-Square. It holds some county offices and a museum. Several blocks away you will find the current courthouse (above), known as the Denton County Courts Building, built in 1998.
Πηγή Denton County Courts Building (Denton, Texas)
Δημιουργός Mick Watson from Atascocita, Texas
Camera location33° 12′ 52,65″ N, 97° 06′ 56,08″ W Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMapinfo


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This image was originally posted to Flickr by MickWatson at https://www.flickr.com/photos/35974222@N07/3692364394. It was reviewed on 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009


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τελευταία15:53, 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009Μικρογραφία για την έκδοση της 15:53, 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 20093.881 × 2.587 (2,17 MB)Mahanga{{Information |Description=John Bunyan Denton, a Methodist preacher, entered Texas for the first time in 1836. To support his family he also became a lawyer and practiced law in Clarksville and like other men at the time he joined the military when he was

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