Uniformisation of the interior of Mandelbrot set components using multiplier map: internal rays , internal coordinate
c src code
// https://gist.github.com/Gro-Tsen/9f690a9461c99abb4a01249b1838b548// Gro-Tsen http://www.madore.org/~david/// Compute the coefficients of the Jungreis function, i.e., the// Fourier coefficients of the harmonic parametrization of the// boundary of the Mandelbrot set, using the formulae given in// following paper: John H. Ewing & Glenn Schober, "The area of the// Mandelbrot set", Numer. Math. 61 (1992) 59-72 (esp. formulae (7)// and (9)). (Note that their numerical values in table 1 give the// coefficients of the inverse series.)// The coefficients betatab[m+1][0] are the b_m such that// z + sum(b_m*z^-m) defines a biholomorphic bijection from the// complement of the unit disk to the complement of the Mandelbrot// set. The first few values are:// {-1/2, 1/8, -1/4, 15/128, 0, -47/1024, -1/16, 987/32768, 0, -3673/262144}// Formula: b_m = beta(0,m+1) where beta(0,0)=1,// and by downwards induction on n we have:// beta(n-1,m) = (beta(n,m) - sum(beta(n-1,j)*beta(n-1,m-j), j=2^n-1..m-2^n+1) - beta(0,m-2^n+1))/2 if m>=2^n-1, 0 otherwise// (beta(n,m) is written betatab[m][n] in this C program).#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>#include<float.h>#include<assert.h>#ifndef NBCOEFS#define NBCOEFS 8193#endif#ifndef SIZEN#define SIZEN 14#endif#if ((NBCOEFS+4)>>SIZEN) != 0#error Please increase SIZEN#endifdoublebetatab[NBCOEFS+1][SIZEN];intmain(void){for(intn=0;n<SIZEN;n++)betatab[0][n]=1;for(intm=1;m<=NBCOEFS;m++){for(intn=SIZEN;n>=1;n--){if(m<(1<<n)-1)betatab[m][n-1]=0;else{doublev;assert(n<SIZEN);v=betatab[m][n];for(intk=((1<<n)-1);k<=m-(1<<n)+1;k++)v-=betatab[k][n-1]*betatab[m-k][n-1];v-=betatab[m-(1<<n)+1][0];betatab[m][n-1]=v/2;}}printf("%d\t%.17e\t%a\n",m-1,betatab[m][0],betatab[m][0]);}}
Maxima source code
/* batch file for maxima
uses :
- symmetry around horizontal ( 0X ) axis
- Psi_M function to map conjugate plane to parameter plane
- jungreis algorithm to
time :3818
start:elapsed_run_time ();
jMax:50; /* precision = proportional to details and time of computations */
iMax:200; /* number of points to draw */
/* computes b coefficient of Jungreis function*/
if m=0
then 1.0
else if ((n>0) and (m < nnn))
then 0.0
else (betaF[n+1,m]- sum(betaF[n,k]*betaF[n,m-k],k,nnn,m-nnn)-betaF[0,m-nnn])/2.0
/* -------------------------------*/
/* Power of w to j */
wn[w,j]:= if j=0 then 1 else w*wn[w,j-1]$
/* ---------Jungreis function ; c = Psi_M(w) ----------------------------- */
Psi_M(w):=w + sum(b[j]/wn[w,j],j,0,jMax)$
/* exponential for of complex number with angle in turns */
GiveCirclePoint(t):=R*%e^(%i*t*2*%pi)$ /* gives point of unit circle for angle t in turns */
GiveWRayPoint(R):=R*%e^(%i*tRay*2*%pi)$ /* gives point of external ray for radius R and angle tRay in turns */
/* coordinate of w-plane not c-plane */
dR:(R_max-R_min)/NmbrOfCurves; /* for circles */
dRR:(R_max-R_min)/iMax; /* for rays */
/* --------------------------------------f_0 plane = w-plane -----------------------------------------*/
/*-------------- unit circle ------------*/
/* ---------------external circles ---------*/
circle_radii: makelist(R_min+i*dR,i,1,NmbrOfCurves)$
for R in circle_radii do
/* -------------- external w rays -------------*/
ray_angles:[0,1/3,1/7 , 2/7 ,3/7 ]; /* list of angles < 1/2 of root points */
for tRay in ray_angles do
/* -------------------------parameter plane = c plane -----------------------------------*/
MPoints:map(Psi_M,CirclePoints); /* Mandelbrot set points */
CRaysPoints:map(Psi_M,WRaysPoints); /* external z rays */
/* add points below horizontal axis */
for w in CirclePoints do CirclePoints:cons(conjugate(w),CirclePoints);
for w in WRaysPoints do WRaysPoints:cons(conjugate(w),WRaysPoints);
for w in WCirclesPoints do WCirclesPoints:cons(conjugate(w),WCirclesPoints);
for c in MPoints do MPoints:cons(conjugate(c),MPoints);
for c in CRaysPoints do CRaysPoints:cons(conjugate(c),CRaysPoints);
for c in Equipotentials do Equipotentials:cons(conjugate(c),Equipotentials);
/* time */
stop:elapsed_run_time ();
/* ---------------- draw *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
load(draw); /* Mario Rodríguez Riotorto http://www.telefonica.net/web2/biomates/maxima/gpdraw/index.html */
draw(file_name = "jung50es_2",
pic_height= 500,
terminal = 'png,
columns = 2,
gr2d(title = " unit circle with external rays & circles ",
point_type = filled_circle,
points_joined =true,
point_size = 0.34,
color = red,
points(map(realpart, CirclePoints),map(imagpart, CirclePoints)),
points_joined =false,
color = green,
points(map(realpart, WCirclesPoints),map(imagpart, WCirclesPoints)),
color = black,
points(map(realpart, WRaysPoints),map(imagpart, WRaysPoints))
gr2d(title = "Parameter plane : Image under Psi_M(w) ",
points_joined =true,
point_type = filled_circle,
point_size =0.34,
color = blue,
points(map(realpart, MPoints),map(imagpart, MPoints)),
points_joined =false,
color = green,
points(map(realpart, Equipotentials),map(imagpart, Equipotentials)),
color = black,
points(map(realpart, CRaysPoints),map(imagpart, CRaysPoints))
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{{Information |Description=Better version made by Robert Dodier using Maxima/Clisp and jMax=100 |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}