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Αρχείο:Mandelbrot set - multiplier map.png

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English: Uniformization of the Mandelbrot set component's interior using multiplier map: internal rays , internal coordinate
Πηγή Own work. I use: the code and algorithm by Claude Heiland-Allen, algorithms and descriptions by Robert P. Munafo
Δημιουργός Adam majewski
άλλες εκδόσεις


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Υπό τις ακόλουθες προϋποθέσεις:
  • αναφορά προέλευσης – Θα πρέπει να κάνετε κατάλληλη αναφορά, να παρέχετε σύνδεσμο για την άδεια και να επισημάνετε εάν έγιναν αλλαγές. Μπορείτε να το κάνετε με οποιοδήποτε αιτιολογήσιμο λόγο, χωρίς όμως να εννοείται με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο ότι εγκρίνουν εσάς ή τη χρήση του έργου από εσάς.
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compare with


  • choose rectangle of complex plane
  • for every point c of the rectangle
    • find periodic point ( for periods from 1 to pMax)[1]
      • if ther is no periodic ( = exterior or period > pMax or not enough precision or not enough iterations ??? ) then mark as the exterior
      • else compute it's multiplier = map it to standard plane ( multiplier map converts hyperbolic component to unit circle)

for (int p = 1; p < pMax; p++){
      if( cabs(c)<=2){
      w =  MultiplierMap(c,p);
      //if (p>2 ) printf (" w = %f ; %f p = %d \n", creal(w), cimag(w), p); 
      iRadius = cabs(w);
      if ( iRadius <= 1.0) {
           iAngle = GiveTurn(w);
           //if (p>2 ) printf (" c = %f ; %f p = %d \n", creal(c), cimag(c), p); 
      }   }

multiplier map

Multiplier map associated with hyperbolic component gives an explicit uniformization of hyperbolic component by the unit disk  :

In other words it maps hyperbolic component H to unit disk D.

It maps point c from parameter plane to point b from reference plane:


  • c is a point in the parameter plane
  • w is a point in the reference plane. It is complex number
  • is a multiplier map

Multiplier map is a conformal isomorphism.[2]

For period:

  • 1 has explicit form
  • 2 has explicit form[3]
  • 3
    • has explicit form but there are 3 components and each has it's own equation
    • can be computed numericallly
  • for periods > 3 must be computed numerically ( AproximateMultiplierMap - Newton_method )
complex double MultiplierMap(complex double c, int period){

complex double w;
case 1: w = 1.0 - csqrt(1.0-4.0*c); 	break; // explicit
case 2: w = 4.0*c + 4; 			break; //explicit
default:w = AproximateMultiplierMap(c, period, EPS2, ER2); 	break; // 


return w;


Note that period=0 denotes exterior of Mandelbrot set. Here different map ( Riemann map) is used. It is called Boettcher map.

to do

  • add more precision ( one can see some erors on image : pots in place where should not be any hyperbolic omponents)
  • add Riemann map ( exterior to unit disc = Boettcher coordinate)
  • add boundary
    • abs(multiplier (c)) = 1.0 +- eps
    • DEM/M

c src code


Multiplier map

by Claude Heiland-Allen

code mostly based on the : 

 gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O3 -fopenmp m2.c -lm

#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const double pi = 3.141592653589793;
const double infinity = 1.0 / 0.0;
const double colour_modulus = 5.7581917135421046e-2; // (1.0 + 1.0 / (phi * phi)) / 24.0;
const double ER2 = 2.0 * 2.0; // ER*ER
const double EPS2 = 1e-100 * 1e-100; // EPS*EPS

static inline double cabs2(complex double z) {
  return creal(z) * creal(z) + cimag(z) * cimag(z);

static inline unsigned char *image_new(int width, int height) {
  return malloc(width * height * 3);

static inline void image_delete(unsigned char *image) {

static inline void image_save_ppm(unsigned char *image, int width, int height, const char *filename) {
  FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb");
  if (f) {
    fprintf(f, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height);
    fwrite(image, width * height * 3, 1, f);
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR saving `%s'\n", filename);

static inline void image_poke(unsigned char *image, int width, int i, int j, int r, int g, int b) {
  int k = (width * j + i) * 3;
  image[k++] = r;
  image[k++] = g;
  image[k  ] = b;

static inline void colour_hsv_to_rgb(double h, double s, double v, double *r, double *g, double *b) {
  double i, f, p, q, t;
  if (s == 0) { *r = *g = *b = v; } else {
    h = 6 * (h - floor(h));
    int ii = i = floor(h);
    f = h - i;
    p = v * (1 - s);
    q = v * (1 - (s * f));
    t = v * (1 - (s * (1 - f)));
    switch(ii) {
    case 0: *r = v; *g = t; *b = p; break;
    case 1: *r = q; *g = v; *b = p; break;
    case 2: *r = p; *g = v; *b = t; break;
    case 3: *r = p; *g = q; *b = v; break;
    case 4: *r = t; *g = p; *b = v; break;
    default:*r = v; *g = p; *b = q; break;

static inline void colour_to_bytes(double r, double g, double b, int *r_out, int *g_out, int *b_out) {
  *r_out = fmin(fmax(255 * r, 0), 255);
  *g_out = fmin(fmax(255 * g, 0), 255);
  *b_out = fmin(fmax(255 * b, 0), 255);

static inline void colour_mandelbrot(unsigned char *image, int width, int i, int j, int period, double intRadius, double intAngle) {
  double r, g, b;
 /* if position > 1 then we have repetition of colors it maybe useful    */
  //if (intRadius > 1.0) intRadius -= 1.0; // normalize 
  colour_hsv_to_rgb(period * colour_modulus, 0.5, 1.0, &r, &g, &b); // changed b from tanh(distance )to 1.0 
  int ir, ig, ib;
  colour_to_bytes(r, g, b, &ir, &ig, &ib);
  //generate internal grid 
  if (intRadius <1.0){
    int rMax=10; /* number of color segments */
    double m=rMax* intRadius;
    int im=(int)m; // integer of m
    //if (intAngle > 1.0) intAngle -= 1.0; // normalize 
    int aMax=12; /* number of color segments */
    double k=aMax* intAngle;
    int ik =(int)k; // integer of m
     if ( im % 2 ) {ir -=40; }
     if ( ik % 2 ) {ig -=40; }
   image_poke(image, width, i, j, ir, ig, ib);

/* newton function : N(z) = z - (fp(z)-z)/f'(z)) */

complex double N( complex double c, complex double zn , int pMax, double er2){

complex double z = zn;
complex double d = 1.0; /* d = first derivative with respect to z */
int p; 

for (p=0; p < pMax; p++){

   //printf ("p = %d ;  z = %f ; %f ;  d = %f ; %f \n", p, creal(z), cimag(z), creal(d), cimag(d)); 
   d = 2*z*d; /* first derivative with respect to z */
   z = z*z +c ; /* complex quadratic polynomial */
   //if (cabs(z) >er2) break;

 //printf (" next \n\n"); 
 //if ( cabs2(d) > 2) 
     z = zn - (z - zn)/(d - 1) ;

return z;

compute periodic point 
of complex quadratic polynomial
using Newton iteration = numerical method 


complex double GivePeriodic(complex double c, complex double z0, int period, double eps2, double er2){

complex double z = z0;
complex double zPrev = z0; // prevoiuus value of z
int n ; // iteration
const int nMax = 64;

for (n=0; n<nMax; n++) {
    z = N( c, z, period, er2);
    if (cabs2(z - zPrev)< eps2) break;
    zPrev = z; }

return z;

complex double AproximateMultiplierMap(complex double c, int period, double eps2, double er2){
     complex double z;  // variable z 
     complex double zp ; // periodic point 
     complex double zcr = 0.0; // critical point
     complex double d = 1;
     complex double w;
     int p;
     zp =  GivePeriodic( c, zcr, period,  eps2, er2); // Find periodic point z0 such that f^p(z0,c)=z0 using Newton's method in one complex variable
     //zp = find(-1, 0, period, c); 
     //printf (" zp = %f ; %f p = %d \n", creal(zp), cimag(zp), period); 
     // Find w by evaluating first derivative with respect to z of f^p at z0 
     if ( cabs2(zp)<er2) {
     //printf (" zp = %f ; %f p = %d \n", creal(zp), cimag(zp), period); 
     z = zp;
     for (p=0; p < period; p++){
        d = 2*z*d; /* first derivative with respect to z */
        z = z*z +c ; /* complex quadratic polynomial */
     else d= 10000;

return d;

complex double MultiplierMap(complex double c, int period){

complex double w;
case 1: w = 1.0 - csqrt(1.0-4.0*c); 	break; // explicit
case 2: w = 4.0*c + 4; 			break; //explicit
default:w = AproximateMultiplierMap(c, period, EPS2, ER2); 	break; // 


return w;


 t:carg(z)/(2*%pi),  // now in turns 
 if t<0 then t:t+1, // map from (-1/2,1/2] to [0, 1) 


double GiveTurn( double complex z){
double t;

  t =  carg(z);
  t /= 2*pi; // now in turns
  if (t<0.0) t += 1.0; // map from (-1/2,1/2] to [0, 1) 
  return (t);

static inline void render(unsigned char *image,  int pMax, int width, int height, complex double center, double radius) {

  double pixel_spacing = radius / (height / 2.0);

   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1)
    for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
     for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
      double x = i + 0.5 - width / 2.0;
      double y = height / 2.0 - j - 0.5;
      complex double c = center + pixel_spacing * (x + I * y);
      complex double w; // b(c):= (sqrt(1-4*c)+1)/4;
      double iRadius;
      double iAngle = 0.0;
      int period = 0;

      // find period and w 
      for (int p = 1; p < pMax; p++){
      if( cabs(c)<=2){
      w =  MultiplierMap(c,p);
      //if (p>2 ) printf (" w = %f ; %f p = %d \n", creal(w), cimag(w), p); 
      iRadius = cabs(w);
      if ( iRadius <= 1.0) {
           iAngle = GiveTurn(w);
           //if (p>2 ) printf (" c = %f ; %f p = %d \n", creal(c), cimag(c), p); 
      }   } 
      // colour 
      colour_mandelbrot(image, width, i, j, period, iRadius, iAngle);

int main() {


 // int MaxIters = 100;
  int PeriodMax = 10;
  int width = 1000;
  int height = 1000;
  complex double center = -0.75 ;
  double radius = 1.5;
  const char *filename = "3.ppm";
  unsigned char *image = image_new(width, height);

  render(image,  PeriodMax, width, height, center, radius);
  image_save_ppm(image, width, height, filename);
  complex double z;
  z = GivePeriodic(-0.965 + 0.085*I , 0.0, 2, EPS2, ER2);
  printf (" z = %f ; %f \n",  creal(z), cimag(z)); 
  z = GivePeriodic(-0.965 + 0.085*I , 0.0, 2, EPS2, ER2);
  printf (" z = %f ; %f \n",  creal(z), cimag(z)); 

  return 0;


  1. interior_coordinates_in_the_mandelbrot_set by Claude Heiland-Allen
  2. Conformal Geometry and Dynamics of Quadratic Polynomials Mikhail Lyubich
  3. Exact Coordinates by Robert P. Munafo, 2003 Sep 22.


Δεν ορίστηκε λεζάντα
Uniformization of the interior of Mandelbrot set components using multiplier map: internal rays , internal coordinate

Items portrayed in this file


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