Συζήτηση:Μεσογειακή φώκια
Άλλες συζητήσεις [κατάλογος]
Ας ελευθερώσει κάποιος διαχειριστής το λήμμα Μεσογειακή φώκια για να μετακινήσουμε το παρόν λήμμα εκεί--Γιαγκούλας (συζήτηση) 01:50, 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 (UTC)
- Αφαίρεσα την βιβλιογραφία, η οποία παρεμπιπτόντως ήταν άρπα-κόλλα από εδώ: [1]. Την αφαίρεσα επειδή μου φαινόταν σαν ένα τεράστιο σεντόνι που έπιανε χώρο ενώ δεν χρειαζόταν στο λήμμα.
Όπως και να 'χει την παραθέτω παρακάτω:
[επεξεργασία κώδικα]* Αdamantopoulou, S., E. Androukaki, & S. Kotomatas. 1999a. The Distribution of the Mediterranean Monk Seal in Greece based on an information network. Contributions to the Zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region 1: 399-404.
- Adamantopoulou, S., E. Androukaki, P. Dendrinos, & S. Kotomatas. 1999b. Evidence on the Movements of the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in Greece. In: 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Maui, Hawaii, The Society for Marine Mammalogy. 2.
- Brasseur, S.M.J.M., P.J.H. Reijnders, & G. Verriopoulos. 1997. Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus. In: P.J.H. Reijnders, G. Verriopoulos & S.M.J.M. Brasseur, eds. IBN Scientific Contributions 8. Status of Pinnipeds relevant to the European Union. Institute for Forestry and Nature Research (IBN-DLO), Wageningen, The Netherlands. 12-26.
- Dendrinos, P., E. Tounta, S. Kotomatas, & A. Kottas. 1994. Recent data on the Mediterranean Monk Seal population of the Northern Sporades. Bios (Macedonia/Greece) 2: 11-16.
- Dendrinos, P., E. Tounta, & S. Kotomatas. 1999a. A field method for age estimation of Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) pups. In: 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Maui, Hawaii, The Society for Marine Mammalogy. 48.
- Dendrinos, P., S. Kotomatas, & E. Tounta. 1999b. Monk seal Pup Production in the National Marine Park of Alonissos-N.Sporades. Contributions to the Zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region 1: 413-419.
- Dendrinos, P., A.A. Karamanlidis, E. Androukaki & B.J. McConnell. 2007a. Diving development and behavior of a rehabilitated Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Marine Mammal Science (In Press).
- Dendrinos, P., A.A. Karamanlidis, S. Kotomatas, A. Legakis, E. Tounta & J. Matthiopoulos. 2007b. Pupping habitat use in the Mediterranean monk seal: a long-term study. Marine Mammal Science (In Press).
- Forcada, J. 2000. Can population surveys show if the Mediterranean monk seal colony at Cap Blanc is declining in abundance? Journal of Applied Ecology 37 (1): 171-181.
- Forcada, J., P.S. Hammond, & A. Aguilar. 1999a. Status of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in the western Sahara and the implications of a mass mortality event. Marine Ecology Progress Series 188: 249-261.
- Fyler, C.A., T.W. Reeder, A. Berta, G. Antonelis, A. Aguilar, & E. Androukaki. 2005. Historical biogeography and phylogeny of monachine seals (Pinnipedia : Phocidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data. Journal of Biogeography 32 (7): 1267-1279.
- Guclusoy, H., & H. Savas. 2003a. Status of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in the Foca Pilot Monk seal Conservation area, Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East 28: 5-16.
- Gucu, A.C., G. Gucu, & H. Orek. 2004. Habitat use and preliminary demographic evaluation of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in the Cilician Basin (Eastern Mediterranean). Biological Conservation 116 (3): 417-431.
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- Johnson, W.M., Karamanlidis, A.A., Dendrinos, P., de Larrinoa, P.F., Gazo, M., Gonzàlez, L.M., Güçlüsoy, H., Pires, R. & Schnellmann, M. (2006) Monk Seal Fact Files. Biology, Behaviour, Status and Conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus. The Monachus Guardian http://www.monachus-guardian.org, accessed 13 February 2008].
- Marchessaux, D. 1989. Recherches sur la Biologie, l'Ecologie et le Statut du Phoque Moine, Monachus monachus. GIS Posidonie Publ., Marseille, France: 1-280.
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- Marchessaux, D., & N. Muller. 1987. Le Phoque Moine, Monachus monachus: Distribution, statut et biologie sur la cote saharienne. Scientific Reports of the Port Cros National Park 13: 25-84.
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- Neves, H.C., & R. Pires. 1998. Past, and present trends of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus Herman 1779), on the Desertas Islands-Madeira. In: The World Marine Mammal Science Conference. Workshop on the Biology and Conservation of the World's Endangered Monk Seals., Monaco, The Society for Marine Mammalogy & The European Cetacean Society. 49.
- Panou, A., J. Jacobs, & D. Panos. 1993. The Endangered Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus in the Ionian Sea, Greece. Biological Conservation 64 (2): 129-140.
- Pires, R., H.C. Neves & A.A. Karamanlidis. 2007. Conservation status and priorities of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in the archipelago of Madeira. ORYX. (In Press)
--Γιαγκούλας (συζήτηση) 17:51, 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 (UTC)
[επεξεργασία κώδικα]Α ναι, και να μην ξεχάσω: κάποιος καλός διαχειριστής αν μπορούσε να ελευθέρωνε το λήμμα Μεσογειακή φώκια για να μεταφερθεί το παρόν λήμμα εκεί. Ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων.--Γιαγκούλας (συζήτηση) 17:55, 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 (UTC)
- Ευχαριστώ!--Γιαγκούλας (συζήτηση) 15:13, 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 (UTC)