Συζήτηση:Σχέσεις Ελλάδας-Κίνας
Sorry I cannot read Greek so I will write in English. I read this page via google translate.
I am a Chinese researcher in history, and I wish to point out one thing that is absolutely wrong on this page.
Chinese receive the name not as Greece but Hellas, is nothing related to Alexander the Great. Some ridiculous theories of Arabian origin claim that some of the 12 Alexandria's built by Alexander were in China: that was long rebuked. Alexander's India expedition did not go pass Himalayas to enter Tibet, and his Central Asia expedition did not go pass Pamirs or Tianshan; he did reached near borders of modern China, but the western extreme of cultural border of China at that time was around modern Lanzhou, which is at least 2000km away from him. The Chinese got basic understanding of Central Asia around BC150s, which was already 2 centuries after Alexander visited the area; Chinese records said nothing about him, the only word they obtained about Greek influence was the name Dayuan(the Ionians) and Daxia(the Tokharas).
The translation Xila (possibly pronounced like Hi-la by that time) was coined no more than 400 years ago, possibly within 200 years. This word is not recorded in any of the official chronicles (which means it was not known by Chinese before 1644, on which year the Ming dynasty was fallen); my searches in antique Chinese articles shows that earliest mentioning of this word was in 1820s, and the contents was about introducing Homer to Chinese readers; the time coincided with Greek War of Independence.
Please at least remove the Alexander part in the article. Thank you. 13:54, 13 Απριλίου 2018 (UTC)
One more thing on this issue: Chinese did record an Alexandria in history in 1st century AD: a 乌弋山离 country, possibly Alexandria Prophthasia. 01:42, 20 Απριλίου 2018 (UTC)